Nestled at the eastern edge of St. Margaret’s Bay, 43 kilometres south of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is a village well worth visiting. It is a veritable mecca for photographers and artists alike and the jewel in the crown of Canada’s maritime majesty.
Welcome to Peggy’s Cove.
Words by Jonathan Maister, a Markham (Canada) based writer and adventurer. Photos courtesy of Tourism Nova Scotia and Pixabay.
This is a coastline destination where you are assured of a whisk in the face from the ocean wind as well as from the wonder of the breathtaking beauty. Whether it’s the whispering of the waves, the rhapsody of the rocks held petrified amidst the tectonic turbulence of an earlier time, or the interface of them both in poetic tidal symphony, you will be mesmerized by nature at its finest.
Behold the beauty of Canada’s eastern shore!

The history of the bay is as intriguing as it is breathtaking. Lore has it that Canada’s iconic explorer, Samuel de Champlain, named the bay after his mother Marguerite (French for Margaret). Hence the name of the cove, Peggy’s Cove (Peggy being short for Margaret). Other legends suggest that a forlorn young shipwrecked girl was adopted and named Peggy by a kindly family, and that she was either too young or too traumatised by her experience to recall her lineage. She later married a local resident and the cove was named after her.
The nearby region boasts an enviable list of temptations for the intrepid tourist. Scenic harbours and coves await discovery, each more breathtaking than the next. This is a hiker’s paradise and you will also enjoy the warmth of the local residents, many of whom still live off the ocean’s bounty as fisherman. Kayaking and whale watching are both options for enjoyment on the ocean itself, while beaches, golfing and birding await those who prefer to enjoy the ocean panorama from terra firma.

The community of Peggy’s Cove itself is pristine, cosy and quaint. Strict rules govern further development to ensure the area remains affordable for local residents. It also assures the visitor a sojourn to a destination free of kitsch, glitz and commercialism. You will see Peggy’s Cove with its famed lighthouse, character homes and rugged beauty the way it should be, unfettered by all that so often blemishes the beauty of other similar destinations.
This village has been inhabited since 1811 when the Nova Scotian government granted six families some 800 acres to settle on. The land and waters provided livelihood for farmers and fisherfolk alike. While the number of local residents has waxed and waned over the years, the number of tourists has grown, clearly an indication of all that this pristine area has to offer.

The rugged beauty of the region has prompted authorities to declare it a special preservation area. Protecting it is a priority. Endeavours to preserve it contrast mightily with the Geo-tectonics that saw earth, ocean and ice sculpt the artistry of nature for over 400 million years to what it is today.
During the Devonian Period, shifts in the earth’s crust permitted molten matter to flow to the surface. Over the eons this hardened to form the rocks we see today. Further rendering came from the great glaciers that bulldozed their way ever so slowly across North America, shaping the topography and shifting and carrying soil and vegetation. Glacial scourings were filled by the waters, contrasting the rocky brown edges with the blues and greens of the ocean and the whites of the wave-crests.

The mighty hand of the artist that sculpted these wondrous sites created a place that virtually mutes any attempt to use words to do it real justice.
As a traveller and writer who has seen the Cabot Trail of Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton Island, the mighty Rockies, the soaring Alps as well as the stunning Cape of Good Hope, I can state honestly that Peggy’s Cove ranks among the best that nature has to offer.
Be sure to include this idyllic region on your to-do list!
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