Once upon a time, there was a witch named Sara, who lived in her haunted house and explored the seas on her pirate boat with her ninja-cat named… Ninja. Sara was a powerful witch who had the ability to control the winds and the sea. She used her powers to help smuggle goods across the sea and to protect her pirate crew from any danger that came their way.
Sara had a secret witch church that was hidden deep in the woods near the shore. The church was a place where witches from all over the world would come to share their knowledge and learn new spells. However, the church was also known to be a place of dark magic, where witches would perform rituals that were not meant to be seen by the eyes of the living.

Sara’s pirate boat was feared by all who sailed the seas. They said that if you saw her ship on the horizon, it was already too late. Her crew was made up of the most ruthless pirates, who would never hesitate to kill anyone who got in their way. However, it was Sara who was the most feared of them all. She was known to have a curse that she would place on anyone who crossed her. The curse was said to be so powerful that it would follow you until you were dead.

One night, a group of sailors were sailing near the shore when they saw Sara’s ship on the horizon. They tried to turn back, but it was too late. Sara’s ship was already upon them. The sailors fought as hard as they could, but Sara’s crew was too strong. They were all killed, except for one sailor who managed to escape.

The sailor ran to the nearest village and told everyone what had happened. The villagers were terrified and decided to take action. They gathered a group of hunters and set out to find Sara’s pirate boat. After days of searching, they finally found it. They attacked the boat with all their might, but Sara’s crew was too strong. The hunters were all killed, except for one lucky guy.

The survivor of the hunter group went to the witch church and told the other witches what had happened. The witches were outraged and decided to take revenge. They cast a spell that would make Sara and her crew vulnerable to their attacks. The witches then set out to find Sara’s pirate boat. When they found it, they attacked with all their might. The battle was long and brutal, but in the end, the witches emerged victorious. Sara and her crew were all killed, and their pirate boat was sunk to the bottom of the sea. Nobody escaped!

However, the story doesn’t end there. Legend has it that Sara’s curse still lives on. Some say that Ninja still roams the seas, seeking revenge on anyone who crosses his path. Others say that Sara’s witch church still stands, hidden deep in the woods, waiting for new witches to join their ranks. And some say that Sara herself still haunts the shores, seeking revenge on those who dared to cross her.
So, remember that while the story of Sara and her cat Ninja is a cautionary tale about the dangers of crossing a powerful witch and while witches may seem like fictional characters from horror stories, the reality is that they have been a part of human culture for centuries. From Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Witch’ to modern horror books like ‘The Year of the Witching’ by Alexis Henderson, witches have been portrayed as powerful and dangerous beings who can cause great harm if crossed. As with any powerful force, there are always tradeoffs and nuances to consider, and it’s up to us to decide how we approach that power.

You better walk catfoot… ask Ninja how to do it! Contact Lizzy to make an appointment and if you don’t know Lizzy then ask Hammie at hammiebooks.online.
Thanks for reading — you are awesome! Now go check out Hammie and Lizzy’s stories before Sara destroys you! Go go go…
As a gift for reading this far, you may take a look at Sara’s bad uncle before he went to jail…

Blog post and photos by Peter who has been travelling almost full-time since 2005 and has been to over 122 countries. He visited several countries, such as Japan, more than 20 times. Peter is Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of GlobeRovers Magazine, an independent travel magazine focused on intrepid destinations.